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Black Flame Visuals

Sebastian Scharl - 3D artist

Gründer von BlackFlameVisuals: Sebastian Scharl
3D Charakter vom Gründer von BlackFlameVisuals: Sebastian Scharl

Wir erschaffen mehr als nur Bilder - Wir geben Produkten Leben und Seele.
Unser Team ist wie eine bunte Collage aus kreativen Köpfen, technischen Genies und Geschichtenerzählern, die gemeinsam eine einzigartige 3D-Welt erschaffen.

With the right team, no project is too big.

That's why I work with a selection of professionals, each of whom is a specialist in their field.
So we can combine our skills to create something bigger.
"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts." - To quote Aristotle.

A product video for your website, for example, is just the beginning of successful marketing.
How about images for your social media campaign or interactive 3D views for your online shop?

At BlackFlameVisuals you get everything from one source!

Our team

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